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- Baroque Spring in Biržai 2024
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- Exhibition "Life. White and Black"
- Exhibition "Inspired by Love to Biržai Land"
- Paintings by Goda Balbieriūtė
- Ceramic works by Gražina Visockienė
- Biržai Hillfort: Daily Life and Festivals of Biržai Citizens
- "Shadow Catcher" by E. S. Curtis
- "Jonas and the Footage of his Movies"
- "Not Ordinary but Never Strangers - Biržai Jews"
- "Radiance" by the Kropai Family
- "The River Daugava in the Flow of Time"
- "Biržai Castle as Seen by the Local Artists"
- "The Icons from St. Barbara Chapel of Markučiai Manor"
- "Synthesis of Music and Ceramics"
- The Paintings by the Trečiokai Family
- The archive of the Radziwiłł and the Tyszkiewycz families
- Exhibitions
- Biržai Duchy
- Church Metrics
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Last edited:
2018-11-06 09:58

Address: Radvilos 3, LT-41175, Biržai
Company code: 190562082
Telephone: +370 450 31883
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