Ceramic works by Gražina Visockienė

Ceramic works by Gražina Visockienė


Gražina Visockienė about her exhibition:

I am Gražina Visockienė. I studied at Vilnius Academy of Arts and graduated with a master‘s degree in ceramics. While studying, I started participating in national and international ceramics exhibitions and international ceramics symposiums. Currently I am working as an art teacher at Biržai Vladas Jakubėnas Music School.

In this exhibition I present the works created in ceramics symposiums and in my workshop. The works are made by molding techniques. These are pots, jars, small chapels, small plastic sculptures. Sometimes people-bees, mythical creatures and angels like to settle on them. I enjoy combining different ceramic materials and different ways of burning ceramics in my work. This is how I lay and tie ceramic details uniting them into one common work. 

Last edited: 2021-03-26 10:11

A biržiečė vaišin dainuodamūs
We invite you to visit our exhibition of ancient brewing traditions and take part in our special program "From a grain to a song: Birzai tradition and hospitality".