
The Concert of the Baroque Music

2021 - 06 - 25

The main idea of the 17th  century is the belief that music elevates the soul, and this, enveloped in euphoria, opens a person’s pure connection with God. God’s blessing is an integral part of the life of a musician of this era.  According to the most virtuoso falsetists of the time, Bartolomeo Barbarino, a person must be rewarded with God’s grace in order to be able to perform music in a tasteful, graceful and elegant manner. Marin Mersenne described the sound of zinc as a "sunlight that pierces all shadows." In the 17th  century, this instrument was the most popular and survived its golden age.

In the concert programme, the students ensemble from Schola Cantorum Basiliensis will present works by such famous composers as Francesco Rognoni - Taeggio, Girolamo Frescobaldi, Tarquinio Merula and others. They will be performed by Indrė Kučinskaitė, Étienne Asselin (zinc) and Weronika Kłosiewicz-Paine (basso continuo, harpsichord). 

Last edited: 2021-06-25 11:48

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