
Events to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the massacre of the Jewish community of Biržai district during the Holocaust

2021 - 07 - 20

6 August (Friday)

5 pm. Musical theatre performance “Gekumen” (Returned) emotionally and visually and bringing the spectator-participant of the play closer to interwar Lithuanian Jewish culture and humour. Director – Adrian Schvarzstein. Former Jewish residential quarter in Biržai, later – ghetto territory.

7 August (Saturday)

12 and 2 pm. Educational excursions “Journey in the Footsteps of Biržai Jewish Culture and History” in Biržai Region Museum “Sėla”.

10 am–4 pm Visiting the exposition of the Museum’s Vabalninkas Branch, established in the former house of the Jewish Slavin family.

8 August (Sunday)

2 pm. Commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the massacre of the Jewish community during the Holocaust. Tribute to the Righteous among the Nations (at the Remembrance Square, Dagilio/Žemaitės streets).Procession to Pakamponys, visiting the old Jewish-Karaite cemetery, where famous Jews and the first victims of the Holocaust are buried. Commemoration and prayer for those killed during the massacre at the memorial to the victims of the Holocaust in Pakamponys.

9 August (Monday)

10 am Commemoration of Nemunėlio Radviliškis Jews – the victims of the Holocaust – at the place of massacre and burial.

Last edited: 2021-08-03 15:54

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We invite you to visit our exhibition of ancient brewing traditions and take part in our special program "From a grain to a song: Birzai tradition and hospitality".