
European Archaeology Day 2022

2022 - 06 - 14

Biržai Region Museum “Sela“ participates in European Archaeology Days for the second time!

From 11 am to 4 pm, guests and citizens of Biržai will have the possibility to access visible archaeological storages of the Museum and take part in ceramic workshop. The restorer will introduce the process of metal restauration.

At 1 pm, Dainius Strazdas, the head of Vilnius pottery manufactory, and archaeologist Karolis Duderis will present the unique find from Biržai – the heating furnace of the 15th–16th century.

Everyone is kindly invited!

Last edited: 2022-06-20 09:12

A biržiečė vaišin dainuodamūs
We invite you to visit our exhibition of ancient brewing traditions and take part in our special program "From a grain to a song: Birzai tradition and hospitality".