
Concert "For Four Voices"

2020 - 07 - 07

The programme with an intriguing title “For Four Voices” presents the most important compositions of the early Baroque masters, invites to recognize the commonalities and differences of four voices and the features of “the language of the new music”. At that time, it was quite common for a zink and violin to be able to change a person’s voice. Every musical instrument imitates a voice and it all comes from singing. In fact, the voice is a perfect instrument. This perception of music aesthetics prevailed until the 17th century. The listeners will be able to experience how these voices fit together and how consistently the instrumental style develops from the vocal music.

The concert is free.

Last edited: 2020-07-07 10:25

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We invite you to visit our exhibition of ancient brewing traditions and take part in our special program "From a grain to a song: Birzai tradition and hospitality".