
"Baroque Spring in Biržai 2022"

2022 - 04 - 23

The programme “Gaude Maria Virgo” of Gregorian chants is dedicated to Virgin Mary. It revives chants from the old Vilnius manuscripts – the 14th–15th century hymnbooks of the Vilnius Bernardines. The Gregorian chant group “Schola Gregoriana Vilnensis” (director  Dainius Juozėnas) and Michał Sławecki (Poland), one of the most famous experts in the Gregorian chant in Europe, has recorded this programme on the latest choir album “Gaude Maria Virgo”. Beata Baublinskienė, the musicologist and initiator of the project, will present the album.

Director – Dainius Juozėnas

Conductor - Michał Sławecki

The concert is free!

The entire programme of the festival is HERE

Last edited: 2022-04-19 16:12

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We invite you to visit our exhibition of ancient brewing traditions and take part in our special program "From a grain to a song: Birzai tradition and hospitality".