
"Baroque Spring in Biržai 2022"

2022 - 04 - 10

The concert will take the listeners to the mysterious Middle Ages, will open the gate to the sacred space of the era, which will be known by the harmony of the instruments of that time – organetto (portable organ) and lute. The old sacral melodies to be played in the concert have been collected from the Italian libraries that preserve the oldest musical manuscripts: the Cortona Municipal and the Library of Etruscan Academy, the Marciana Library in Venice, the Monastery Library in Assisi, the libraries of Monasteries of Montserrat St. Mary and Las Huelgos in Burgos. The music will allow you both to feel the hope of prayer and get to know the expression of spirituality in polyphonic melodies.


Simone Marcelli – organetto

Luca Piccioni - lute

The concert is free!

The programme of the entire festival is HERE
Last edited: 2022-04-05 14:57

A biržiečė vaišin dainuodamūs
We invite you to visit our exhibition of ancient brewing traditions and take part in our special program "From a grain to a song: Birzai tradition and hospitality".