
"Baroque Spring in Biržai 2022"

2022 - 04 - 03

The ensemble “Neymann” from Riga will perform Italian and German baroque music from the 17th century, dedicating this concert to dulcian. This instrument is the forerunner of the Baroque oboe. The ensemble will present works not by only well-known composers as G. B. Fontana, D. Castelo and S. Rossi but will also play the music that has not been played for a long time. The best example of the latter is the anonymous sonata in the book “Das Partiturbuch Ludwig” from 1662 which is perfect for the composition of this ensemble and dulcian.  


Laura Šarova, Maija Andersone – Baroque violins

Elīna Vidriķe – dulcian

Mauro Pinciaroli – archlute

Gertruda Jerjomenko – harpsichord, organ

The concert is free!

The programme of the entire festival is HERE

Last edited: 2022-03-29 13:02

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