Exhibition "Life. White and Black"
Exhibition "Life. White and Black"
Rima Jakutienė‘s dolls and handicraft exhibition „Life. White and Black“
The author:
„Black and white are the colours of life that include many other colours. The white colour dominated my life. It seemed that I have achieved everything and my children will have solid future. I have been interested in handicrafts all my life and enjoyed knitting clothes not only for myself but also for others. However, the disaster that happened overshadowed the white colour. I lost the opportunity to work and I was constantly in pain. I started looking for activities that would calm me down and help me forget my terrible thoughts. That is how I started making dolls. The art teacher Rima Briedienė was the first to see art in my works and she encouraged me to create dolls further and to organize their exhibition. The artist Egils Skuja, working at the Biržai Culture House, also appreciated the dolls. Thanks to him, my first dolls exhibition took place in the Culture House. I am extremely grateful to these people as well as to the famous dolls master and ceramicist Vita Kiseliūnienė, from whom I received the first lessons of molding the dolls’ faces.
Now the clothes and dolls made by me have settled for a month here, in the palace of Radvila Castle.
I am grateful to all those who have sympathized with me, who understand me, support me and encourage me not to stop. Creativity for me is an opportunity to improve, to look at life with brighter eyes and to discover more colours – not only white and black.“
You can buy the works from the exhibition by contacting me by phone +370 630 40115
Yours sincerely,
Rima Jakutienė

Address: Radvilos 3, LT-41175, Biržai
Company code: 190562082
Telephone: +370 450 31883
E-mail: sela@birzumuziejus.lt
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